Thursday, October 08, 2009

Hefty, Hefty, Hefty.... Wimpy, Wimpy, Wimpy

I don't have a lot of time so this will probably be short, sweet, and to the point. I hope so, at least, because if I wander to much it won't have a point...

Do you remember those commercials for the Hefty trash bags? I was thinking about Bonhoeffer and how tough his faith had to be. I realized that his faith was typical of the martyrs and probably some of the other giants of the faith. The ultimate realization though was that he drew his strength from the Bible. You don't hear him refer to this author and that author too often. Sure he has a few scholars to whom he refers, but it's minor. No, he quotes the Bible over and over again. In Life Together he won't back down from major prescriptions of scripture.

This is very counter to most of the sought after authors of our day. Each one quotes five others who quote each other who've drummed up five others who support their position. Now don't get me wrong, I think God speaks through a lot of today's authors, but we've got to be steeped in the Word to pull the right instead of the wrong out of the books.

All I know is the more scripture I read the more God talks.... Through everything at that point. He talks through relationships, books, scriptures, life experiences, music...., etc. He only talks, though, if we've learned to recognize his voice through the study of scripture. We must get to know him before we can recognize his voice amongst the many others.

That's it. Gotta work. If I think about this later I'll have another post. Mind is working overtime right now.

1 comment:

Erin Hope said...

Hefty trash bags??, that's too old school. now we have plastic liners for crock-pots that don't melt!! should I be scared to eat tonight?

good post though, bub. I think there are a lot of really good books out there by all means, but too often we let all these other people define what Jesus says and who he is. Yeah, we need other people, yeah, we learn from other people.....but it all gets a little foggy after thousands of appropriate books that are 'required reading' to be an appropriate enlightened educated christian.


Jesus is enough. Maybe if we spent less time reading all those books, trying to figure out minute practicalities.... we'd be out there actually learning what it looks like to love people, and what it looks like when Jesus grabs our heart and starts pushing change into it....

all that said, what we read obviously influences us...and it can be really good.

maybe we just all need to evaluate our priorities again.