Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Tribute (or how the Spirit is contagious)

I was visiting my old youth pastor recently and it was invigorating to say the least. One thought came to mind after I returned. The Holy Spirit is contagious!!! I'll probably dig into that theme in a different post but I couldn't help but think this is why the early Christians laid hands on each other. It was the Spirit-filled group showing approval towards the new believers, and sharing (literally) the Spirit with them. Anyways, I wanted to thank those who have filled my life with the Spirit. I know there are more of you out there but these are the major contributors that I could recollect right now.

Brad, you are my Paul. I don't know that I'd be following Christ without you. You gave me a foundation on which to build everything God has made me into. Even though physically you weren't around, you are what kept me coming back to God during my five years away from the Church. Your passion for Jesus' will in your life is unsurpassed this side of the saints. You are contagious, and I want to thank you for following Jesus because he has made a difference through you. Thank you for loving me, through it all. Thank you for your guidance and direction in all areas of my life.

Mom, I don't know the words to express how thankful I am for you. You have had unwavering faith throughout your life. Even when you are mislead you refocus on God and continue on your journey with him. To have been through as much as you have and to still trust God completely is so amazing to me. Your faith in God could never be questioned. You raised me to the best of your ability and you provided the two most important things a parent can: Unconditional Love, Unwavering faith in God. The Holy Spirit obviously resides in you.

Erin, your perspective on life is wonderful. Having you to share this faith and these beliefs with has meant more than you will ever know. No matter what I've said in the past I've come to realize you are my best friend and you have been such an encouragement in my walk with Christ. It has been a joy to teach and be taught by you. Your joy in serving God is contagioius. Your view of America is refreshing. Your determination has made you strong. God's Spirit shines through you every day, don't ever let it stop.

Candle (Wick), you come fairly late in the game, but you still have contributed so much. Your love for the teens and you commitment to the word can never be questioned. You are wise beyond your years. You genuinely care and love those teens. The passion to teach is something I can relate too. Just know, that you have affected my life.

Thank all of you for contributing to the Spirit residing in me. Everyone of you is amazing and makes me thank God for all of you.

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