Friday, July 22, 2005


So I've been reading Christ Plays in 10,000 Places. Good book. Anyways, it's got me thinking about sacrifice. Eugene Peterson (the author) says the Eucharist(Communion) is only properly seen in light of the sacrifice Jesus gave us. True. Easy stuff. He then goes on to say sacrifice is our only proper response to Jesus' sacrifice. Again true. Again easy stuff, except that practicing this sacrifice isn't so easy.

Sacrifice is amazing really in so many different ways. Literally, we give pieces of ourselves to others, for others. An article on Relevant magazine's website put it a little more in perspective for me. The author said there are two reasons we choose our careers in America. One reason is money, as mentioned in a previous post our favorite life filler. The other is happiness, as in having a job that we love to do. We as Americans love to think fulfilling our own lives is the best thing that can be done. We even do this in our spirituality.

The author of this article proceeds to let everyone know there is a better reason for choosing our path in life. I use this phrase instead of career because I believe the only career we have is following Jesus. So the author says instead of pursuing money or happiness, we should pursue sacrifice. I have to agree. People who have made the most impact for Christ have given up their lives for his better cause. Some have given up the chance to make millions. Some have given up the chance to play professional sports (it would make me happy). Some have left the comfort of their own country, been placed in dangerous situations, and even refused to leave those situations because the people to whom they were ministering didn't have that option.

I'm not saying you must stop working. Paul claimed he was a tentmaker. This makes me assume this is what he did to be able to eat. I've only seen it mentioned once, though, which leads me to believe there were more important things in his life. Probably the things which he talked about all the time. He sure mentioned the church a lot, and I don't mean the building. He actually mentioned sacrifice a lot. One of his favorite things to say was that he died to himself for Christ. I think he may have been on to something.

I think the remedy for what is ailing The Church, is sacrifice. It seems the early Church put this into practice quite well. They sold their houses, even their possessions, and gave all of it to The Church. That's sacrifice. They gave up their time, every day, to gather to break bread and remember why they were there. They went to foreign cities and observed strange customs, all for the glory of God. And many were added to their numbers each day. The Church today claims to want to save souls. It claims to want people to hear the gospel. Unfortunately, in America, we seem unwilling to do what is necessary to accomplish these goals. We must sacrifice. Daily. We must stop targeting the middle and upper class since they reject us on a daily basis. We must start having meals with those who have nothing. It might help remind us that we have nothing. All we own is not ours. God gives and God takes away. Why not help our Father and sacrifice what we have so that he may be glorified to others?

1 comment:

LincolnRepublican said...

Mr. Cook:

Delete the first comment. I hate spam, too.

I read your post on sacrifice. I TOTALLY AGREE! It's those who surrender to God's will are those who can be used. Knowing His will in specific circumstances sometimes can be difficult.

Anyway, I was cruising the other Decatur, IL bloggers and found your site. It's bookmarked now!

BTW...check out Radical Decatur Christian for some more Christian-oriented discussion. It just started up a few days back.