Monday, October 18, 2004

Hello and welcome

Hi, I'm John. I've been wanting to get started blogging for a while and tonight just seemed like the perfect time to post. I was sitting in church this morning and had some thoughts occur to me which I decided I must write down. I pose these questions to you; please respond if something comes to mind.

What if we all came to church because we wanted to?
What if we worshipped because our hearts overflowed with Joy, Peace, and worthiness/value of God?
What if we looked forward to intimacy with God? To hearing God through his Word?
What if we dared to Love? to love God, each other, those in need, and even ourselves?
What if we loved God enough to turn over our money? all of it, to whatever purpose for which you require it? If we loved you enough to not waste anything which you have given us?
What if we cared enough to change whatever is required to change this world to reflect your love?
What if we believed enough to sacrifice time and talent to benefit your people?
What if peace hit us hard enough that we couldn't harbor any animosity toward anyone? If we loved peace enough to fight the battle against the rulers, and authorities, and cosmic powers of this present darkness, and the forces of evil in the heavenly places?
If someone asked us if they were GOOD enough to get into heaven could we answer the true way? No, noone is!
How do we straighten things out without destroying? How do we draw together the rest of God's churches? How do we become a complete body?

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